Spinal Pain: Maybe it is Not All in Your Head? - Juniper Publishers
Orthopedics and Rheumatology - Juniper Publishers Opinion You have received a spinal injury, perhaps in a work related incident or some other type of incident. You are treating with a doctor and it seems to be going on and on, and you are not really getting better? You just want to get it over with, get back to normal, back to where you were prior to the injury. You just want to be well. You are doing everything that you are being told to do but you are not getting well. When this happens the patient inadvertently begins to feel the insidious consideration that they are somehow “faking” it. After all you have a doctor who is doing everything they know to do; you are doing it but you are not responding well so the responsibility must lie with you. Forget the fact that maybe you are with the wrong provider, forget the fact that maybe you do not have a full and accurate diagnosis. Let’s forget those possibilities and go right to the consideration that it may al...