Juniper Publishers-Orthopedics and Rheumatolgy

Combined Use of the Illizarov Method, Concentrated Bone Marrow Aspirate (cBMA), and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to Facilitate Healing

Authored by Edgardo R Rodriguez

Non-union fractures, particularly in patients experiencing soft-tissue loss, comorbidities, and chron¬ic infection, can be difficult to treat. These fractures are typically accompanied by high rates of post-surgical non¬union and recurrence of infection. The Ilizarov method has addressed conditions such as infection, deformity, soft-tissue loss, and joint contracture. However, techniques to optimize the osteogeneic potential of inured bone are relatively new. Autologous concentrated bone marrow as¬pirate (cBMA) and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) are thera¬pies that increase osteogeneic potential of osteoconduc¬tive demineralized bone matrix (DBM). To evaluate the efficacy of the Ilizarov method combined with a cocktail of demineralized bone matrix (DBM), cBMA and PRP in promoting healing of bone.


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