Urgency of Research on Quality of Life of Shoulder Capsulitis Patients - Juniper Publishers

Orthopedics & Rheumatology -Juniper Publishers



The shoulder is a unique anatomical structure with an extraordinary range of motion that allows us to interact with our environment. A loss of mobility of this joint will cause significant morbidity. Shoulder capsulitis a poorly understood musculoskeletal condition that can be disabling. However the true natural history has also not been definitively established. Shoulder capsulitis is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders which affect the quality of life of an individual. In CRP, many patients attain to get treatment of shoulder capsulitis but treatment is not always successful due to their poor quality of life. So it is necessary to evaluate the health related quality of life among shoulder capsulitis patient. It will generate new knowledge on quality of life of shoulder capsulitis. This idea helps us to design a treatment plan according to patient’s requirement. Also it will provide better treatment and advice for the patient. As a health care professional it will improve our knowledge upon which we can give information to the patient about their life style which are responsible or not for their physical health status and mental health status. This kind of research did not do before in Bangladesh. So it will be one of the most important source for physiotherapist and other medical professions to know about which factors have impact on quality of life of shoulder capsulitis patient and how can easily overcome those factors by advancing our treatment protocol and enhance their Health related quality of life. We know that health related quality of life of shoulder capsulitis patient has been limited but how much limited, it is unknown. So this type of study will explore how much health related quality of life is limited for shoulder capsulitis patient. Also it gives details information about shoulder capsulitis. So patient can modify their life style and maintain a good health related quality of life.

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